Why talk about money?
Finances are a big part of the God’s Word. Financial giving is one of the most delicate subjects in the Bible. Because of money's power, it is important to teach the congregation what God’s Word says about it.
The Love of Money is the biggest hindrance which stands between God and man. Jesus actually called it a master. The Love of Money stands out as the only example in God’s Word that demands the mastery of your being. Matt. 6:24
Generally each service contains a very brief teaching regarding financial giving. We believe that this will liberate the believer in the area of financial giving and cause him to find the blessing of God’s promises in this area.
God's Will is Prosperity
3 Jn. 2, Ps. 35:27, 2 Cor. 9:8
Proper Attitudes Towards Money
1 Tim. 6:3-10
¨ v.6 - Godliness first (Mt. 6:33). v.7 - We are not on earth to amass wealth.
v. 8-10 - Love God not money (Mt. 6:24, Mk. 4:18,19, Prov. 23:4,5).
These verses are not teaching that money is evil but rather that the love of money
is the root of all evil.
Money in itself is amoral. It is a tool to help spread the Gospel.
God is not against you having things, He is against things having you.
Proper Use of Money
God has a 3-fold plan. First-- To meet all your needs. Phil. 4:19, 3 Jn. 2, Second--- To give
you seed to give to God's work. 2 Cor. 9:8, Deut. 8:18, Prov. 10:16 and Third--- To give
you enough so you can give to someone else. 2 Cor. 9:6, Gen. 12:1,2, 1 Tim. 6:17-19, 1 Jn. 3:1
* Joyce Meyer says 'spend a little, give a little and save a little'.
God’s Prescription
God’s Word gives us three major truths in the area of financial giving.
They are the tithe, the offering and the vow. Proverbs calls these the right thing to do.
Prov. 11:24, 25.
The key to freedom in financial giving is the total giving of ourselves
to God. We must surrender to the Lordship of Christ in every area of our lives. Rom. 12:1,
Gal. 2:20, Deut. 12:7-7,11
Tithe literally means 10% of a person income. Some Believers choose to bring their tithes once a week, others once a month.
The tithe is first mentioned in Gen. 14:13-24. It has not passed away with the Law, it was 430 years before the law, during the law and after the law. Heb. 7:1-9
Tithing is first associated with Abraham then the Law. Under the Law it was commanded to take the tithe whereas under Grace the tithe is received. On earth men receive money but there, in heaven our High Priest Jesus receives our faith. All return is based on faith. Jesus condoned tithing. Mt. 23:23 Bringing our tithes is a form of worship., Deut. 26:1-11 The tithe belongs to the Local Church you attend, the place where you are fed God’s Word. Mal. 3:6-10
Notice verse 10 says that we are to bring “all” the tithe into the storehouse. This means that we are to tithe on all the money we receive whether we are working or not. When a believer brings his tithe, he is worshipping the Lord Jesus.
Anything given above the tithe is an offering. 2 Cor. 8:1-24, 2 Cor. 9:1-15. Offerings can be given to the Local Church to such things as special projects, missions, outreaches, guest speakers, building funds, feeding and clothing the poor ... Offerings can also be sown to various other ministries the believer feels led to give to. The 100-fold return is the potential yield which comes from the offering. Mk. 4:20
The Vow
The third major area of giving is the vow. The vow is the exception to the rule. This is between the Lord and the believer. The vow is a set amount beyond the tithe and the offering that the believer promises to give over a period of time. It can be giving as one large sum or in smaller portions, until the amount vowed is paid up.
Principles to follow:
Freewill. Lev. 22:18-20, Binding, Num. 30:2,
Sin if not paid, Deut. 23:21-23, Prov. 20:25
So--- Do not delay, Eccl. 5:4-6
Have Faith, Ps. 66:13-15 For The Blessing, Ps. 50:14,15
Giving and Receiving---Phil. 4:10-20, Luke. 6:38, Eph. 6:8
Seed-time and Harvest
Progressive. Mk. 4:26-29
Seed-time and harvest. Gen. 8:22
Do not faint, in due season you will reap. Gal. 6:6-10
Laws of the Harvest
Your seed must be planted. Jn. 12:24. and You must render your seed useless. Jn. 12:24.
You must plant what you expect to harvest. - Gen. 1:12., Your harvest size is established
when your seed is sown. - 2 Cor. 9:6.
Your seed must be planted in good ground. - Mt. 13:8., You always wait a
period of time between planting and harvesting. - Mk. 4:26, 27.
You must maintain your crops for a proper harvest. - Mt. 13:7., You always sow to your
harvest size not, from your harvest size. - Gen. 26:12. 9. Your expense is always highest
at harvest time. -Mt. 20:1.
A part of your harvest is for sowing again. - 2 Cor. 9:10, A part of your harvest is
for you to keep. - 2 Cor. 9:7. Your harvest is a miracle. - 1 Cor. 3:6, Gal 3:5.
Debt Cancellation
......In these particular verses we see the sovereignty of God.
Like the vow, which is the exception to the rule,
the miracle of debt cancellation is also the exception to the rule. Kings 4:1-7
God may use unusual methods., Mt. 17:24-27
Remember, if God choose to use unusual methods, then be thankful.
However you must not rely on unusual methods.
Obey God in respect to the norm laid out in His Word and
along the way if you encounter the sovereignty of God, Praise God!
B) Having a Plan to Reduce Debt
.... Your present circumstances were created by your present knowledge.
The difference between today and tomorrow is knowledge (Prov. 11:9).
Whatever you tolerate you cannot change. Be willing to change. Be willing to repent.
Know where you are at (Prov. 27:23). Have a plan (Prov. 16:9). Make up a budget.
Trust God (Prov. 16:3) and 'owe no man anything' the scripture says. Monitor
your progress, know where you are going (Prov. 24:3,4).
Be diligent (Prov. 21:5).
Hindrances to Receiving
Laziness, Prov. 6:6-11 (the sluggard) Prov. 12:9, 19:15, 20:4,13, 26:13-15, 28:19,20
Work is anything that yields a harvest. Ruth 2:2,3,15,16
God will bless the work of your hand Deut. 28:12
Attitudes in the work place, 2 Pet. 2:18-20, Eph. 6:5-9, Col. 3:22-25, 4:1
Greediness, Lk. 12:5, Mk. 7:1-23, 1 Tim. 6:9,10, Mt. 6:33
¨ Prosperity is received. Pursue God not wealth.
Contrast the Fool and the Wise Man
The fool The wise man
Forgets his source Remembers his source
Deut. 8:10-17. (Deut. 8:18).
Seeks to get rich quick increases progressively
(Prov. 13:11). (Prov. 28:20).
Trusts in uncertain riches Trusts in God
1 Tim. 6:17). (Prov. 3:5-6).
Gives grudgingly Gives cheerfully
(2 Cor. 9:7). (2 Cor. 9:7)
Gives sparingly Gives bountifully
( 2 Cor. 9:6). (2 Cor. 9:6).
Ignores the poor Gives to the poor
(Prov. 28:27). (Prov. 22:19).
Has treasure on earth Has treasure in heaven
( Mt. 6:19-21). (Mt. 6:19-21)
Has false humility Knows how to receive
(Thinking poverty is godly) (Phil. 4:15-20).
Has selfish motives Recieves to gives
(Jam. 4:3). (2 Cor. 9:11).
Observes the wind Sows in famine
(Eccl. 11:4). (Gen. 26:12)
Why talk about money?
Finances are a big part of the God’s Word. Financial giving is one of the most delicate subjects in the Bible. Because of money's power, it is important to teach the congregation what God’s Word says about it.
The Love of Money is the biggest hindrance which stands between God and man. Jesus actually called it a master. The Love of Money stands out as the only example in God’s Word that demands the mastery of your being. Matt. 6:24
Generally each service contains a very brief teaching regarding financial giving. We believe that this will liberate the believer in the area of financial giving and cause him to find the blessing of God’s promises in this area.
God's Will is Prosperity
3 Jn. 2, Ps. 35:27, 2 Cor. 9:8
Proper Attitudes Towards Money
1 Tim. 6:3-10
¨ v.6 - Godliness first (Mt. 6:33). v.7 - We are not on earth to amass wealth.
v. 8-10 - Love God not money (Mt. 6:24, Mk. 4:18,19, Prov. 23:4,5).
These verses are not teaching that money is evil but rather that the love of money
is the root of all evil.
Money in itself is amoral. It is a tool to help spread the Gospel.
God is not against you having things, He is against things having you.
Proper Use of Money
God has a 3-fold plan. First-- To meet all your needs. Phil. 4:19, 3 Jn. 2, Second--- To give
you seed to give to God's work. 2 Cor. 9:8, Deut. 8:18, Prov. 10:16 and Third--- To give
you enough so you can give to someone else. 2 Cor. 9:6, Gen. 12:1,2, 1 Tim. 6:17-19, 1 Jn. 3:1
* Joyce Meyer says 'spend a little, give a little and save a little'.
God’s Prescription
God’s Word gives us three major truths in the area of financial giving.
They are the tithe, the offering and the vow. Proverbs calls these the right thing to do.
Prov. 11:24, 25.
The key to freedom in financial giving is the total giving of ourselves
to God. We must surrender to the Lordship of Christ in every area of our lives. Rom. 12:1,
Gal. 2:20, Deut. 12:7-7,11
Tithe literally means 10% of a person income. Some Believers choose to bring their tithes once a week, others once a month.
The tithe is first mentioned in Gen. 14:13-24. It has not passed away with the Law, it was 430 years before the law, during the law and after the law. Heb. 7:1-9
Tithing is first associated with Abraham then the Law. Under the Law it was commanded to take the tithe whereas under Grace the tithe is received. On earth men receive money but there, in heaven our High Priest Jesus receives our faith. All return is based on faith. Jesus condoned tithing. Mt. 23:23 Bringing our tithes is a form of worship., Deut. 26:1-11 The tithe belongs to the Local Church you attend, the place where you are fed God’s Word. Mal. 3:6-10
Notice verse 10 says that we are to bring “all” the tithe into the storehouse. This means that we are to tithe on all the money we receive whether we are working or not. When a believer brings his tithe, he is worshipping the Lord Jesus.
Anything given above the tithe is an offering. 2 Cor. 8:1-24, 2 Cor. 9:1-15. Offerings can be given to the Local Church to such things as special projects, missions, outreaches, guest speakers, building funds, feeding and clothing the poor ... Offerings can also be sown to various other ministries the believer feels led to give to. The 100-fold return is the potential yield which comes from the offering. Mk. 4:20
The Vow
The third major area of giving is the vow. The vow is the exception to the rule. This is between the Lord and the believer. The vow is a set amount beyond the tithe and the offering that the believer promises to give over a period of time. It can be giving as one large sum or in smaller portions, until the amount vowed is paid up.
Principles to follow:
Freewill. Lev. 22:18-20, Binding, Num. 30:2,
Sin if not paid, Deut. 23:21-23, Prov. 20:25
So--- Do not delay, Eccl. 5:4-6
Have Faith, Ps. 66:13-15 For The Blessing, Ps. 50:14,15
Giving and Receiving---Phil. 4:10-20, Luke. 6:38, Eph. 6:8
Seed-time and Harvest
Progressive. Mk. 4:26-29
Seed-time and harvest. Gen. 8:22
Do not faint, in due season you will reap. Gal. 6:6-10
Laws of the Harvest
Your seed must be planted. Jn. 12:24. and You must render your seed useless. Jn. 12:24.
You must plant what you expect to harvest. - Gen. 1:12., Your harvest size is established
when your seed is sown. - 2 Cor. 9:6.
Your seed must be planted in good ground. - Mt. 13:8., You always wait a
period of time between planting and harvesting. - Mk. 4:26, 27.
You must maintain your crops for a proper harvest. - Mt. 13:7., You always sow to your
harvest size not, from your harvest size. - Gen. 26:12. 9. Your expense is always highest
at harvest time. -Mt. 20:1.
A part of your harvest is for sowing again. - 2 Cor. 9:10, A part of your harvest is
for you to keep. - 2 Cor. 9:7. Your harvest is a miracle. - 1 Cor. 3:6, Gal 3:5.
Debt Cancellation
......In these particular verses we see the sovereignty of God.
Like the vow, which is the exception to the rule,
the miracle of debt cancellation is also the exception to the rule. Kings 4:1-7
God may use unusual methods., Mt. 17:24-27
Remember, if God choose to use unusual methods, then be thankful.
However you must not rely on unusual methods.
Obey God in respect to the norm laid out in His Word and
along the way if you encounter the sovereignty of God, Praise God!
B) Having a Plan to Reduce Debt
.... Your present circumstances were created by your present knowledge.
The difference between today and tomorrow is knowledge (Prov. 11:9).
Whatever you tolerate you cannot change. Be willing to change. Be willing to repent.
Know where you are at (Prov. 27:23). Have a plan (Prov. 16:9). Make up a budget.
Trust God (Prov. 16:3) and 'owe no man anything' the scripture says. Monitor
your progress, know where you are going (Prov. 24:3,4).
Be diligent (Prov. 21:5).
Hindrances to Receiving
Laziness, Prov. 6:6-11 (the sluggard) Prov. 12:9, 19:15, 20:4,13, 26:13-15, 28:19,20
Work is anything that yields a harvest. Ruth 2:2,3,15,16
God will bless the work of your hand Deut. 28:12
Attitudes in the work place, 2 Pet. 2:18-20, Eph. 6:5-9, Col. 3:22-25, 4:1
Greediness, Lk. 12:5, Mk. 7:1-23, 1 Tim. 6:9,10, Mt. 6:33
¨ Prosperity is received. Pursue God not wealth.
Contrast the Fool and the Wise Man
The fool The wise man
Forgets his source Remembers his source
Deut. 8:10-17. (Deut. 8:18).
Seeks to get rich quick increases progressively
(Prov. 13:11). (Prov. 28:20).
Trusts in uncertain riches Trusts in God
1 Tim. 6:17). (Prov. 3:5-6).
Gives grudgingly Gives cheerfully
(2 Cor. 9:7). (2 Cor. 9:7)
Gives sparingly Gives bountifully
( 2 Cor. 9:6). (2 Cor. 9:6).
Ignores the poor Gives to the poor
(Prov. 28:27). (Prov. 22:19).
Has treasure on earth Has treasure in heaven
( Mt. 6:19-21). (Mt. 6:19-21)
Has false humility Knows how to receive
(Thinking poverty is godly) (Phil. 4:15-20).
Has selfish motives Recieves to gives
(Jam. 4:3). (2 Cor. 9:11).
Observes the wind Sows in famine
(Eccl. 11:4). (Gen. 26:12)